Free instals SplitCam 10.7.7
Free instals SplitCam 10.7.7

free instals SplitCam 10.7.7

Splitcam utilizes the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) platform with her presentation features and integrates with the rest of the app to make it fully ready for Windows PC. Splitcam uses the patented Split Cam Engine to enable video chatting.

free instals SplitCam 10.7.7

Splitcam uses the technologies of on-demand video streaming and live streaming to give users a real-time experience of multi-party video conferencing. It was created by Appsense Mobile Solutions Pvt Ltd, a company that specialises in innovative and user-friendly mobile applications for businesses, entertainment, education and travel. SplitCam is a high-tech, multi-functional mobile-phone-split-view camera app that lets two people talk simultaneously on both devices (iOS and android).

Free instals SplitCam 10.7.7